The Final Stretch

We have 2 weeks left until the UCBUGG showcase, and even though Dan says we have until our ILM trip to finish our short, I know that our team wants to have something amazing to show at that showcase. It feels like there are so many things to do and I definitely feel the intensity of that, but our team is so close to making one of the most beautiful CNM shorts ever. We are starting to render this week and I’m both excited and nervous for the next few weeks: it’s going to be chaotic, hectic, exciting, and emotional all at once. All I can say is the future is very exciting.

This week I continued working on animation for several scenes. In addition to touching up the spin sequence, I am also doing clean up and background animation for other scenes like background characters or wind animation. It’s kind of nice to switch between scenes when one thing is being really frustrating. We have one week left of animation and that means a lot of hustle on my part. I’m ready to make this spin as beautiful as possible. (3) (2) (2)

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