Animation Continues

Our team is continuing to work through the weeks of animation and I’m very proud of the way things have been turning out so far. We’ve been able to add most of the major blocking animations and have started to get the smaller details in as well. I am still working on the spin scene and it is starting to feel more and more like the animatic and original story pitch intended. Last week I worked on detailing some of the movements and improving the timing of the actions to be less linear or “floaty” as Sir Wade said. I also had a chance to add in some facial expressions which added a lot of depth to the scene and Jackie’s reaction to it. Of course, there are still a lot of small touches and details to add in, but I am optimistic and looking forward to it!

Next week I also want to see if we can apply some of the topics on camera that our guest lecturer, Casey mentioned this week. I think it can add a lot of depth and visual nuance to the short.

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