Things are Looking Up!

It’s no secret that for the last few weeks our team was really struggling to find a way to make the spin scene work properly. It’s also no secret that this has been a major source of stress for me for the past month because more than anything, I didn’t want to be setting up my team for failure down the line. To make matters even more stressful, last weekend our entire project repo decided to stop working, with several files being corrupted or deemed as “unrecognizable”. It took a whole day of debugging and internal screaming to get things working again and at that point, it was already 7PM Sunday night and I felt horrible that my team didn’t have the whole weekend they should have had to work on their scenes.

However, once again, the incredible people on my team prove how special and determined they are and produced an amazing result on Monday. After many git errors, missing files, and other setbacks and I am very pleased to say that the spin scene and the rest of our animation are FINALLY coming together! Our team hustled and rallied together like crazy at the end of last week and showed such a great 3D Animatic that I swelled with pride and wanted to cry from pure joy. Knowing that we were finally able to make Dan happy with the animation we produced was a particular point of satisfaction and pride. As PM, it was one of the best moments of the semester to see how dedicated this team is to making something amazing. I am excited to keep iterating on the spin and adding more moments of characters acting with grandma and Jackie.


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